Ron and Jolene have lived in St. Charles County all of their lives, both coming from farm backgrounds. They have two boys, Don, 31, who is working in St. Louis County after graduating from college at Rolla, Missouri and Kyle, 28, who is working in Denver Colorado. Ron and Jolene have been raising hogs and cattle for over 25 years. When Jolene's father passed away in 1997 they took over the egg business her parents had ran, selling a small amount of farm fresh eggs from the door of their home.

They have always been aware of their environment and have never embraced high tech methods of producing animals. However, cringing at the thought, they felt they had to adopt such methods in order to compete. It was not the way they felt comfortable raising animals and on further reflection they decided to completely follow their convictions. They pulled out the few antibiotics they did use, made a commitment to enhance their low tech production methods, and continued to develop more environmentally friendly practices.
The result is the offering you see here. They are a part of the sustainable agriculture movement that is currently developing a grass roots following. They hope to help provide people with a cleaner, healthier food and environment, and in the process promote the FAMILY farm.